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Feasibility Study for Solid Waste PPP for CONVALE
Characterization of the service coverage area, Market Survey and benchmark study

Feasibility Study for Public Lighting PPP for Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
Characterization of the service coverage area, Market Survey and benchmark study

Feasibility Study for Solid Waste PPP for Teresina
Characterization of the service coverage area, Market Survey and benchmark study
Imagem Pref Teresina Pulb
Imagem Pref Cachoeiro do Itapemirim

Imagem Google Earth

Implementation of Institutional Modeling for the Housing Component of the Revitalization Program of the Historic Center of Salvador
Structuring of the Real Estate Investment Fund as a vehicle for implementing the Housing Component of Social Interest in the Revitalization Program of the Historic Center of Salvador
Elaboração de Metodologia para implantação de Orçamento Participativo para a Secretaria das Culturas da Prefeitura Municipal de Niterói.
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